Thursday, April 23, 2009


Symoblism- is when you represent things by symbols or a symbolic meaning or character.In Speak Laurie Halse Anderson uses symbolism in the book expression how Melinda is feeling at the moment of the book. There was one point in the book when Melinda was in art class and she was having trouble drawing her trees. So Mr. Freeman told her to just draw how she is feeling. When she started to draw her trees they were all bare and looked like they were dead. It symbolizes how she is feeling because she feels lonely and she doesn't think she fits in with anyone in school. Melinda is like the bare tree thats half dead and alive. In that class she usually draws the trees the way she feels.While she was in art her teacher Mr Freeman said that "This is where you can find your soul, if you dare." In Speak you see that Melinda expresses herself mostly in her art , she barely talks in any of her classes except for that class, where she starts to speak her mind threw her art. Symoblism is when you reprsent things by symbols or a symbolic meaning or character. Thats what Laurie Halse Anderson uses most in the book and it explain's melinda personality.


  1. i believe that the trees represent her memories... well atleast based on the movie. in her biology class the calss is given an apple and melinda smells it she recalls a childhood memory with her dad picking out apples. the tree also symbolizes what she first saw when she opened her eyes after getting raped.. she saw the tree trunks.
